one should be allowed to make a distinction
between negative posts and critical posts.A
critical post is one that critiques what the
person is doing rather than the person himself.
I have made critical posts about johnny because
he came on here trying to drum up business in
what i felt was a slightly misleading manner.
My problems with him were
1)using lines that were almost always
off the market averages.Of course this is good
betting strategy,but i see other cappers on
here who post against the "Market average".So
in a fashion,by pointing out Johnny's "shop til
you drop" strategy,i'm also praising those
here who are here to demonstrate their capping
skills,not their discount shopping abilities.
2)vague recordkeeping.When he first came
on here,Johnny told me that 200 games would
be mathmatetically meaningful sample with which
to evaluate him.I posted that i thought one
should have a much larger sample to ascertain
skill....So, when johnny realises he is not
going to obtain the buff record he so desired
after 200 games,he stopped keeping track of a
won-loss record,only posting +,- units.
3)other little salesman/emotional appeals,
like "i feed my family with my sports betting"
snap my critical faculites out of their slumber.
4)finally,if johnny had a winning day
yesterday,would he be leaving the forum??i think
the answer is no.
Ciao from Jelena,who would like you to check
up on every once in awhile. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif